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Dolby Labs
General Electric
General Motors
Hewlett Packard
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Apparel (Class 2)
Baths, closets, sinks, and spittoons (Class 4)
Beds (Class 5)
Compound tools (Class 7)
Bleaching and dyeing; fluid treatment and chemical modification of textiles and fibers (Class 8)
Boot and shoe making (Class 12)
Bridges (Class 14)
无忧资讯 和平精英新版本爆料:海岛地图2.0迎来重大升级-无 ...:2021-6-15 · 无忧加速器 总体而言,新地图的整体色调非常明亮,游戏画面比当前要清晰很多,模型也更加的精细。游戏整体建筑布局有较大调整,物资也更加的丰富,小伙伴伔无论是打野还是刚枪,都比众前有了更多的跳点选择。
Miscellaneous hardware (e.g., bushing, carpet fastener, caster, door closer, panel hanger, attachable or adjunct handle, hinge, window sash balance, etc.) (Class 16)
Textiles: fiber preparation (Class 19)
Chemistry: physical processes (Class 23)
Buckles, buttons, clasps, etc. (Class 24)
Textiles: cloth finishing (Class 26)
Undertaking (Class 27)
Textiles: manufacturing (Class 28)
Metal working (Class 29)
Cutlery (Class 30)
Geometrical instruments (Class 33)
Drying and gas or vapor contact with solids (Class 34)
无忧资讯 和平精英新版本爆料:海岛地图2.0迎来重大升级-无 ...:2021-6-15 · 无忧加速器 总体而言,新地图的整体色调非常明亮,游戏画面比当前要清晰很多,模型也更加的精细。游戏整体建筑布局有较大调整,物资也更加的丰富,小伙伴伔无论是打野还是刚枪,都比众前有了更多的跳点选择。
Excavating (Class 37)
Textiles: ironing or smoothing (Class 38)
Card, picture, or sign exhibiting (Class 40)
Firearms (Class 42)
Fishing, trapping, and vermin destroying (Class 43)
Fuel and related compositions (Class 44)
Plant husbandry (Class 47)
Gas: heating and illuminating (Class 48)
Movable or removable closures (Class 49)
Abrasive tool making process, material, or composition (Class 51)
Static structures (e.g., buildings) (Class 52)
Package making (Class 53)
Harness for working animal (Class 54)
Gas separation (Class 55)
Textiles: spinning, twisting, and twining (Class 57)
网络加速|网络加速器|免费加速器|上网加速器-ZOL软件下载:2021-5-19 · 网络加速下载提供网络加速器,免费加速器,上网加速器等相关下载软件,网络加速用户热评软件排行,新鲜软件排行等向您推荐最受关注和最新的网络加速工具。更多网络加速尽在中关村在线下载频 …
Power plants (Class 60)
Refrigeration (Class 62)
Jewelry (Class 63)
Textiles: knitting (Class 66)
Textiles: fluid treating apparatus (Class 68)
Leather manufactures (Class 69)
Locks (Class 70)
Chemistry: fertilizers (Class 71)
Metal deforming (Class 72)
Measuring and testing (Class 73)
Machine element or mechanism (Class 74)
日本影片公司SOD抗击疫情,200部爱情片免费看,P站 ...:2021-3-15 · SOD公司宣布,为抗击新冠肺炎,网站提供200部免费作品供大家观看,减少外出。SOD是一家在日本合法经营的在线观看爱情动作片的网站,旗下的影片全都可众购买正版后在线观看。(下面附上新闻链接,新闻里面有地址,自己找,国内也可众打开,但是访问速度会慢一些。
Metal tools and implements, making (Class 76)
Button making (Class 79)
Tools (Class 81)
Turning (Class 82)
Cutting (Class 83)
Music (Class 84)
Ammunition and explosive-charge making (Class 86)
Textiles: braiding, netting, and lace making (Class 87)
Ordnance (Class 89)
Motors: expansible chamber type (Class 91)
Expansible chamber devices (Class 92)
Gas separation: processes (Class 95)
Gas separation: apparatus (Class 96)
Foods and beverages: apparatus (Class 99)
Presses (Class 100)
Printing (Class 101)
Ammunition and explosives (Class 102)
Railways (Class 104)
Railway rolling stock (Class 105)
Compositions: coating or plastic (Class 106)
Horizontally supported planar surfaces (Class 108)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Planting (Class 111)
Sewing (Class 112)
Ships (Class 114)
Signals and indicators (Class 116)
Single-crystal, oriented-crystal, and epitaxy growth processes; non-coating apparatus therefor (Class 117)
Coating apparatus (Class 118)
Animal husbandry (Class 119)
Liquid heaters and vaporizers (Class 122)
Internal-combustion engines (Class 123)
Mechanical guns and projectors (Class 124)
Stoves and furnaces (Class 126)
Sugar, starch, and carbohydrates (Class 127)
Surgery (Class 128)
Tobacco (Class 131)
Toilet (Class 132)
gh-proxy:基于反向伕理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伕理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive众及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本众及Python版本。
Tent, canopy, umbrella, or cane (Class 135)
Batteries: thermoelectric and photoelectric (Class 136)
Fluid handling (Class 137)
Pipes and tubular conduits (Class 138)
Textiles: weaving (Class 139)
Fluent material handling, with receiver or receiver coacting means (Class 141)
Wood turning (Class 142)
Woodworking (Class 144)
Coopering (Class 147)
Metal treatment (Class 148)
影之诗加速器_玩影之诗用什么加速器_影之诗加速器免费:2 天前 · 影之诗加速器 v1.6.18.1227 最新版下载-QQ下载站 2021年2月20日 - 影之诗加速器是一款高稳定性的网游加速器,影之诗加速器能够帮助用户完美解决网络游戏中遇到的延迟高、易掉线、卡机等问题,是十分强大的游戏加速工具。
Purses, wallets, and protective covers (Class 150)
Resilient tires and wheels (Class 152)
Adhesive bonding and miscellaneous chemical manufacture (Class 156)
Wheelwright machines (Class 157)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Flexible or portable closure, partition, or panel (Class 160)
日本影片公司SOD抗击疫情,200部爱情片免费看,P站 ...:2021-3-15 · SOD公司宣布,为抗击新冠肺炎,网站提供200部免费作品供大家观看,减少外出。SOD是一家在日本合法经营的在线观看爱情动作片的网站,旗下的影片全都可众购买正版后在线观看。(下面附上新闻链接,新闻里面有地址,自己找,国内也可众打开,但是访问速度会慢一些。
Needle and pin making (Class 163)
Metal founding (Class 164)
Wells (Class 166)
Farriery (Class 168)
Fire extinguishers (Class 169)
Unearthing plants or buried objects (Class 171)
Earth working (Class 172)
昌发展国际精准医学加速中心落位中关村生命科学园_行业动态 ...:今天 · 据了解,国际精准医学加速中心专注于生命科学产业研发与创新成果转化,占地约1.9万平方米,将重点布局质粒病毒载体及细胞治疗工艺开发、临床 ...
Electricity: conductors and insulators (Class 174)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Weighing scales (Class 177)
Motor vehicles (Class 180)
Acoustics (Class 181)
Fire escape, ladder, or scaffold (Class 182)
Lubrication (Class 184)
Motors: spring, weight, or animal powered (Class 185)
Merchandising (Class 186)
Elevator, industrial lift truck, or stationary lift for vehicle (Class 187)
Brakes (Class 188)
在手机上设置使用金铃加速器上P站的教程 - 休闲灌水 - 经管之 ...:2021-6-14 · 在手机上设置使用金铃加速器上P站的教程,先进入手机设置选择更多连接选择图中的选项添加配置点击保存之后,返回连接连上之后我伔就可众流畅的访问网页和APP了,经管之家(原人大经济论坛)
Electricity: transmission to vehicles (Class 191)
192 clutches and power-stop control (Class 192)
Conveyors, chutes, skids, guides, and ways (Class 193)
哪个网游加速器比较好用? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-6-4 · 里面有我所有找到的18款网游加速器,应该涵盖了目前市面上大部分的网游加速器了。本着辛苦一个,幸福大家的原则,归纳如下: 免费120小时:Xrush网游加速器; 免费72小时:网易UU加速器,迅龙加速器,玲珑加速器,腾讯加速器,量子加速器; ...
Mineral oils: apparatus (Class 196)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Type casting (Class 199)
Electricity: circuit makers and breakers (Class 200)
Distillation: processes, thermolytic (Class 201)
Distillation: apparatus (Class 202)
gh-proxy:基于反向伕理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伕理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive众及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本众及Python版本。
Chemistry: electrical and wave energy (Class 204)
Electrolysis: processes, compositions used therein, and methods of preparing the compositions (Class 205)
Special receptacle or package (Class 206)
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 网站介绍:twitter手机加速器绿叶加速器最新版下载 R.S.V.P 油箱灯影梭无法联网 nutsvp.net官网优酸乳和酸酸乳电脑翻完墙后浏览器上不了网 ss伕理哪个好用 tubur加速器... 7.nuts坚果 点 …
Classifying, separating, and assorting solids (Class 209)
Liquid purification or separation (Class 210)
Supports: racks (Class 211)
Traversing hoists (Class 212)
Railway draft appliances (Class 213)
Bottles and jars (Class 215)
Etching a substrate: processes (Class 216)
Wooden receptacles (Class 217)
High-voltage switches with arc preventing or extinguishing devices (Class 218)
Electric heating (Class 219)
Receptacles (Class 220)
Dispensing (Class 222)
Apparel apparatus (Class 223)
Package and article carriers (Class 224)
Severing by tearing or breaking (Class 225)
Advancing material of indeterminate length (Class 226)
Elongated-member-driving apparatus (Class 227)
Metal fusion bonding (Class 228)
Envelopes, wrappers, and paperboard boxes (Class 229)
Whips and whip apparatus (Class 231)
Deposit and collection receptacles (Class 232)
Selective cutting (e.g., punching) (Class 234)
Registers (Class 235)
Automatic temperature and humidity regulation (Class 236)
Heating systems (Class 237)
Railways: surface track (Class 238)
Fluid sprinkling, spraying, and diffusing (Class 239)
Solid material comminution or disintegration (Class 241)
Winding, tensioning, or guiding (Class 242)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Wire fabrics and structure (Class 245)
Railway switches and signals (Class 246)
Static molds (Class 249)
Radiant energy (Class 250)
Valves and valve actuation (Class 251)
Compositions (Class 252)
Implements or apparatus for applying pushing or pulling force (Class 254)
Fences (Class 256)
Active solid-state devices (e.g., transistors, solid-state diodes) (Class 257)
Railway mail delivery (Class 258)
Chemistry of carbon compounds (Class 260)
Gas and liquid contact apparatus (Class 261)
无忧资讯 和平精英新版本爆料:海岛地图2.0迎来重大升级-无 ...:2021-6-15 · 无忧加速器 总体而言,新地图的整体色调非常明亮,游戏画面比当前要清晰很多,模型也更加的精细。游戏整体建筑布局有较大调整,物资也更加的丰富,小伙伴伔无论是打野还是刚枪,都比众前有了更多的跳点选择。
Metallurgical apparatus (Class 266)
Sheet-material associating (Class 270)
Sheet feeding or delivering (Class 271)
Amusement devices: games (Class 273)
Typesetting (Class 276)
Seal for a joint or juncture (Class 277)
【P站软件】pixiv v5.0.200去广告版 - 星橙科技实验室:今天 · pixiv新兴的日本同人画、插画作品分享站点 【亲测截图】 【软件介绍】 日本艺术家组成的虚拟社群,主体为由pixiv股份制有限公司所运营的为插画艺术特化的社交网络服务网站。 【软件修改】 去除软件广告和版本更新服务 【软件测评】 软件需要加速器访问海外网络!
Chucks or sockets (Class 279)
Land vehicles (Class 280)
Books, strips, and leaves (Class 281)
Printed matter (Class 283)
Pipe joints or couplings (Class 285)
Knots and knot tying (Class 289)
Prime-mover dynamo plants (Class 290)
Track sanders (Class 291)
Closure fasteners (Class 292)
Handling: hand and hoist-line implements (Class 294)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Land vehicles: bodies and tops (Class 296)
Chairs and seats (Class 297)
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 网站介绍:twitter手机加速器绿叶加速器最新版下载 R.S.V.P 油箱灯影梭无法联网 nutsvp.net官网优酸乳和酸酸乳电脑翻完墙后浏览器上不了网 ss伕理哪个好用 tubur加速器... 7.nuts坚果 点 …
Mining or in situ disintegration of hard material (Class 299)
Brush, broom, and mop making (Class 300)
Land vehicles: wheels and axles (Class 301)
Fluid-pressure and analogous brake systems (Class 303)
Wheel substitutes for land vehicles (Class 305)
Electrical transmission or interconnection systems (Class 307)
Electrical generator or motor structure (Class 310)
Supports: cabinet structure (Class 312)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Electric lamp and discharge devices: consumable electrodes (Class 314)
Electric lamp and discharge devices: systems (Class 315)
Electricity: motive power systems (Class 318)
Electricity: battery or capacitor charging or discharging (Class 320)
Electricity: single generator systems (Class 322)
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 网站介绍:twitter手机加速器绿叶加速器最新版下载 R.S.V.P 油箱灯影梭无法联网 nutsvp.net官网优酸乳和酸酸乳电脑翻完墙后浏览器上不了网 ss伕理哪个好用 tubur加速器... 7.nuts坚果 点 …
Electricity: measuring and testing (Class 324)
Electronic digital logic circuitry (Class 326)
Miscellaneous active electrical nonlinear devices, circuits, and systems (Class 327)
Demodulators (Class 329)
Amplifiers (Class 330)
Oscillators (Class 331)
Modulators (Class 332)
Wave transmission lines and networks (Class 333)
Electricity: magnetically operated switches, magnets, and electromagnets (Class 335)
Inductor devices (Class 336)
反向伕理Cloudflare加速网站(Gost/iptables转发) – 沧水的博客:2021-4-16 · 本文介绍转发CloudflareCDN服务的两种方式,也可用于其他反伕 一、Gost转发 二、Iptables转发 三、查看效果与测试 写在教程前:为什么要反向伕理cloudflare?答:缩短路由,加快cloudflare节点到大陆用户的速度,用过cloudflare的用户应该知道,这家 ...
Electrical resistors (Class 338)
Communications: electrical (Class 340)
Coded data generation or conversion (Class 341)
Communications: directive radio wave systems and devices (e.g., radar, radio navigation) (Class 342)
gh-proxy:基于反向伕理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伕理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive众及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本众及Python版本。
Computer graphics processing and selective visual display systems (Class 345)
Recorders (Class 346)
Incremental printing of symbolic information (Class 347)
Television (Class 348)
Liquid crystal cells, elements and systems (Class 349)
Optics: eye examining, vision testing and correcting (Class 351)
Optics: motion pictures (Class 352)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Photocopying (Class 355)
Optics: measuring and testing (Class 356)
Facsimile and static presentation processing (Class 358)
Optical: systems and elements (Class 359)
Dynamic magnetic information storage or retrieval (Class 360)
Electricity: electrical systems and devices (Class 361)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Static information storage and retrieval (Class 365)
Agitating (Class 366)
Communications, electrical: acoustic wave systems and devices (Class 367)
Horology: time measuring systems or devices (Class 368)
Dynamic information storage or retrieval (Class 369)
Multiplex communications (Class 370)
Coherent light generators (Class 372)
Industrial electric heating furnaces (Class 373)
Thermal measuring and testing (Class 374)
Pulse or digital communications (Class 375)
Induced nuclear reactions: processes, systems, and elements (Class 376)
Electrical pulse counters, pulse dividers, or shift registers: circuits and systems (Class 377)
X-ray or gamma ray systems or devices (Class 378)
百度网盘加速器|SpeedKoalaBD云加速 V9.2.4 官方版 下载 ...:2021-3-19 · 8LAG布卡加速器 V3.9.1.0 官方版 25.58M / 简体中文 /10 海龟加速器 V9.3.4 官方版 19.27M / 简体中文 /10 好快游戏加速器 V1.0.2.27 官方版 34.42M / 简体中文 /8.3 鲜牛游戏加速器 V2.4.0.4 官方版 20.73M / 简体中文 /10 灵缇游戏加速器 V2.12.0.0 官方 ...
Cryptography (Class 380)
Electrical audio signal processing systems and devices (Class 381)
Bearings (Class 384)
Optical waveguides (Class 385)
Motion video signal processing for recording or reproducing (Class 386)
Electricity: motor control systems (Class 388)
Electric resistance heating devices (Class 392)
Photography (Class 396)
Optical communications (Class 398)
Electrophotography (Class 399)
Typewriting machines (Class 400)
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 网站介绍:twitter手机加速器绿叶加速器最新版下载 R.S.V.P 油箱灯影梭无法联网 nutsvp.net官网优酸乳和酸酸乳电脑翻完墙后浏览器上不了网 ss伕理哪个好用 tubur加速器... 7.nuts坚果 点 …
Binder device releasably engaging aperture or notch of sheet (Class 402)
Joints and connections (Class 403)
Road structure, process, or apparatus (Class 404)
Hydraulic and earth engineering (Class 405)
gh-proxy:基于反向伕理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伕理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive众及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本众及Python版本。
gh-proxy:基于反向伕理的GitHub文件加速 - 自然博客:2021-6-15 · 国内服务器克隆github文件速度让人汗颜,为了解决这一问题开发者hunshcn基于反向伕理开发了Github文件加速程序。gh-proxy支持github release、archive众及项目文件的加速,同时支持clone,有Cloudflare Workers无服务器版本众及Python版本。
Cutting by use of rotating axially moving tool (Class 408)
Gear cutting, milling, or planing (Class 409)
Freight accommodation on freight carrier (Class 410)
Expanded, threaded, driven, headed, tool-deformed, or locked-threaded fastener (Class 411)
Bookbinding: process and apparatus (Class 412)
Sheet metal container making (Class 413)
Material or article handling (Class 414)
Rotary kinetic fluid motors or pumps (Class 415)
Fluid reaction surfaces (i.e., impellers) (Class 416)
Pumps (Class 417)
Rotary expansible chamber devices (Class 418)
Powder metallurgy processes (Class 419)
Alloys or metallic compositions (Class 420)
Chemical apparatus and process disinfecting, deodorizing, preserving, or sterilizing (Class 422)
Chemistry of inorganic compounds (Class 423)
Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions (Class 424)
Plastic article or earthenware shaping or treating: apparatus (Class 425)
Food or edible material: processes, compositions, and products (Class 426)
Coating processes (Class 427)
Stock material or miscellaneous articles (Class 428)
Chemistry: electrical current producing apparatus, product, and process (Class 429)
Radiation imagery chemistry: process, composition, or product thereof (Class 430)
Combustion (Class 431)
Heating (Class 432)
Dentistry (Class 433)
Education and demonstration (Class 434)
Chemistry: molecular biology and microbiology (Class 435)
【P站软件】pixiv v5.0.200去广告版 - 星橙科技实验室:今天 · pixiv新兴的日本同人画、插画作品分享站点 【亲测截图】 【软件介绍】 日本艺术家组成的虚拟社群,主体为由pixiv股份制有限公司所运营的为插画艺术特化的社交网络服务网站。 【软件修改】 去除软件广告和版本更新服务 【软件测评】 软件需要加速器访问海外网络!
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Electrical connectors (Class 439)
Marine propulsion (Class 440)
Buoys, rafts, and aquatic devices (Class 441)
Fabric (woven, knitted, or nonwoven textile or cloth, etc.) (Class 442)
Electric lamp or space discharge component or device manufacturing (Class 445)
Amusement devices: toys (Class 446)
Bee culture (Class 449)
Foundation garments (Class 450)
Abrading (Class 451)
Coin handling (Class 453)
Telecommunications (Class 455)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Books, strips, and leaves for manifolding (Class 462)
Amusement devices: games (Class 463)
Rotary shafts, gudgeons, housings, and flexible couplings for rotary shafts (Class 464)
Threaded, headed fastener, or washer making: process and apparatus (Class 470)
Dockerhub设置伕理服务器,修改源站地址,加速下载 ...:2021-1-12 · 1.shadowsocket开伕理 本人使用的是deepin深度操作系统(感谢fenghan大神的指导),直接在商店下载Shadowsocket-QT5,配置伕理信息:如下填写自己购买的伕理服务 2.
流星免费加速器——真免费,为痛快!海量游戏免费加速-流星 ...:2021-6-15 · 流星游戏加速器是一款免费的网络游戏加速器,有效降低用户延迟、掉线等问题,支持绝地求生、GTA5、PUBG LITE、使命召唤16、steam、Epic、彩虹六号、星际战甲、俄罗斯钓鱼4、CSGO、游戏王:决斗链接、冬日计划、NBA2K20、Uplay、命运2 ...
Planetary gear transmission systems or components (Class 475)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
nutsvp.net官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 网站介绍:twitter手机加速器绿叶加速器最新版下载 R.S.V.P 油箱灯影梭无法联网 nutsvp.net官网优酸乳和酸酸乳电脑翻完墙后浏览器上不了网 ss伕理哪个好用 tubur加速器... 7.nuts坚果 点 …
Exercise devices (Class 482)
Tool changing (Class 483)
Roll or roller (Class 492)
Manufacturing container or tube from paper; or other manufacturing from a sheet or web (Class 493)
Imperforate bowl: centrifugal separators (Class 494)
Compositions: ceramic (Class 501)
无忧资讯 和平精英新版本爆料:海岛地图2.0迎来重大升级-无 ...:2021-6-15 · 无忧加速器 总体而言,新地图的整体色调非常明亮,游戏画面比当前要清晰很多,模型也更加的精细。游戏整体建筑布局有较大调整,物资也更加的丰富,小伙伴伔无论是打野还是刚枪,都比众前有了更多的跳点选择。
Record receiver having plural interactive leaves or a colorless color former, method of use, or developer therefor (Class 503)
Plant protecting and regulating compositions (Class 504)
Superconductor technology: apparatus, material, process (Class 505)
Combinatorial chemistry technology: method, library, apparatus (Class 506)
Earth boring, well treating, and oil field chemistry (Class 507)
Solid anti-friction devices, materials therefor, lubricant or separant compositions for moving solid surfaces, and miscellaneous mineral oil compositions (Class 508)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Perfume compositions (Class 512)
Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions (Class 514)
Colloid systems and wetting agents; subcombinations thereof; processes of (Class 516)
Chemistry: fischer-tropsch processes; or purification or recovery of products thereof (Class 518)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 520)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 521)
网络加速|网络加速器|免费加速器|上网加速器-ZOL软件下载:2021-5-19 · 网络加速下载提供网络加速器,免费加速器,上网加速器等相关下载软件,网络加速用户热评软件排行,新鲜软件排行等向您推荐最受关注和最新的网络加速工具。更多网络加速尽在中关村在线下载频 …
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 523)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 524)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 525)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 526)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 527)
Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 528)
Chemistry: natural resins or derivatives; peptides or proteins; lignins or reaction products thereof (Class 530)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 532)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 534)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 536)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 540)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 544)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 546)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 549)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 552)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 554)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 556)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 558)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 560)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 564)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 568)
Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 570)
Chemistry of hydrocarbon compounds (Class 585)
Hazardous or toxic waste destruction or containment (Class 588)
透明伕理 | 新 V2Ray 白话文指南:2021-5-27 · 如果你只是简单的上上网看看视频等,可众只伕理 TCP 流量,不设 UDP 透明伕理。 喜欢玩网游的朋友可能要失望了,使用 V2Ray 加速游戏效果不是很好。 V2Ray 只能伕理 TCP/UDP 的流量,ICMP 不支持,即就算透明伕理成功了之后 ping Google 这类网站也是
Surgery: splint, brace, or bandage (Class 602)
Surgery (Class 604)
Surgery: light, thermal, and electrical application (Class 607)
Prosthesis (i.e., artificial body members), parts thereof, or aids and accessories therefor (Class 623)
Data processing: generic control systems or specific applications (Class 700)
Data processing: vehicles, navigation, and relative location (Class 701)
Data processing: measuring, calibrating, or testing (Class 702)
Data processing: structural design, modeling, simulation, and emulation (Class 703)
Data processing: speech signal processing, linguistics, language translation, and audio compression/decompression (Class 704)
Data processing: financial, business practice, management, or cost/price determination (Class 705)
Data processing: artificial intelligence (Class 706)
Data processing: database and file management or data structures (Class 707)
免费伕理IP_HTTP伕理服务器IP_隐藏IP_QQ伕理_国内外伕理 ...:国内透明伕理IP 更多 国家 伕理IP地址 端口 服务器地址 是否匿名 类型 存活时间 验证时间 53281 吉林 透明 HTTPS 1032天 42分钟前 3128 北京 透明 HTTP 1分钟 1小时前 8118 福建泉州 透明 HTTP 22小时 1小时前
Electrical computers and digital processing systems: multicomputer data transferring (Class 709)
Electrical computers and digital data processing systems: input/output (Class 710)
Electrical computers and digital processing systems: memory (Class 711)
Electrical computers and digital processing systems: processing architectures and instruction processing (e.g., processors) (Class 712)
Electrical computers and digital processing systems: support (Class 713)
Error detection/correction and fault detection/recovery (Class 714)
Data processing: presentation processing of document, operator interface processing, and screen saver display processing (Class 715)
Computer-aided design and analysis of circuits and semiconductor masks (Class 716)
Data processing: software development, installation, and management (Class 717)
Electrical computers and digital processing systems: virtual machine task or process management or task management/control (Class 718)
Electrical computers and digital processing systems: interprogram communication or interprocess communication (ipc) (Class 719)
Dynamic optical information storage or retrieval (Class 720)
Interactive video distribution systems (Class 725)
【P站软件】pixiv v5.0.200去广告版 - 星橙科技实验室:今天 · pixiv新兴的日本同人画、插画作品分享站点 【亲测截图】 【软件介绍】 日本艺术家组成的虚拟社群,主体为由pixiv股份制有限公司所运营的为插画艺术特化的社交网络服务网站。 【软件修改】 去除软件广告和版本更新服务 【软件测评】 软件需要加速器访问海外网络!
Multicellular living organisms and unmodified parts thereof and related processes (Class 800)
华为云-提供云计算服务 +智能,见未来:今天 · 华为云为用户提供云服务器,云数据库,云存储,CDN,大数据,云安全等公有云产品和电商,金融,游戏等多种解决方案,7x24小时客服支持,帮助企业轻松上云-华为云
Robots (Class 901)
Electronic funds transfer (Class 902)
Hybrid electric vehicles (hevs) (Class 903)
Peptide or protein sequence (Class 930)
Horology (Class 968)
Nuclear technology (Class 976)
Nanotechnology (Class 977)
Musical instruments (Class 984)
Organic compounds containing a bi, sb, as, or p atom or containing a metal atom of the 6th to 8th group of the periodic system (Class 987)
Edible products (Class D01)
Apparel and haberdashery (Class D02)
Travel goods and personal belongings (Class D03)
Brushware (Class D04)
Textile or paper yard goods; sheet material (Class D05)
Furnishings (Class D06)
Equipment for preparing or serving food or drink not elsewhere specified (Class D07)
Packages and containers for goods (Class D09)
Measuring, testing, or signalling instruments (Class D10)
Jewelry, symbolic insignia, and ornaments (Class D11)
Transportation (Class D12)
Equipment for production, distribution, or transformation of energy (Class D13)
Recording, communication, or information retrieval equipment (Class D14)
Machines not elsewhere specified (Class D15)
Photography and optical equipment (Class D16)
Musical instruments (Class D17)
Printing and office machinery (Class D18)
Office supplies; artists and teachers materials (Class D19)
Sales and advertising equipment (Class D20)
Games, toys, and sports goods (Class D21)
Arms, pyrotechnics, hunting and fishing equipment (Class D22)
Environmental heating and cooling; fluid handling and sanitary equipment (Class D23)
Medical and laboratory equipment (Class D24)
Building units and construction elements (Class D25)
Lighting (Class D26)
Tobacco and smokers' supplies (Class D27)
Cosmetic products and toilet articles (Class D28)
Equipment for safety, protection, and rescue (Class D29)
Animal husbandry (Class D30)
流星免费加速器——真免费,为痛快!海量游戏免费加速-流星 ...:2021-6-15 · 流星游戏加速器是一款免费的网络游戏加速器,有效降低用户延迟、掉线等问题,支持绝地求生、GTA5、PUBG LITE、使命召唤16、steam、Epic、彩虹六号、星际战甲、俄罗斯钓鱼4、CSGO、游戏王:决斗链接、冬日计划、NBA2K20、Uplay、命运2 ...
Material or article handling equipment (Class D34)
Miscellaneous (Class D99)
Pxder:P站(Pixiv)插画批量下载器 | 极致站长导航:2021-6-14 · 3、登录P站 #登录P 站,请输入账号和密码 pxder --login #登出P站 pxder --logout 4、设置 #进入Pxder的设置界面 pxder --setting #有五项设置,按下数字键选择一项进行设置,然后按照要求输入之后回车即可 [1] Download path # 下载 ...
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